Past Sales & Events

TEL Walnut Creek Terrific Collectible Bohemian 3 story loft filled with art, Native American jewelry, kitchenware, toys, so much more!

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Saturday 08/05 11:00 AM to Sunday 08/06 5:00 PM
Walnut Creek, CA 94597

TEL Estate Sale in Walnut Creek (Contra Costa Centre) right up from Pleasant Hill/Contra Costa Centre Bart FILLED with quality bohemian art and ceramics, collectible…

TEL estate sale Grand Lake Oakland PACKED home! Beautiful high quality early art, statuary, rugs, china, great art books, glass, busts, collectibles, so much more!

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Saturday 07/29 11:00 AM to Sunday 07/30 5:00 PM
Oakland, CA 94610

TEL Estate Sale in Oakland right up from the Grand Lake Theater FILLED with quality statuary, busts, bronzes, rugs, furniture, kitchenware, lots of vintage costume…

TEL El Cerrito Estate Sale - collectibles, sterling flatware, kitchenware, ethnic figurines & basketry, tons of ephemera, vintage clothing, lots more!

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Saturday 07/08 11:00 AM to Sunday 07/09 5:00 PM
El Cerrito, CA 94530

TEL El Cerrito estate sale! Home filled with textiles, furniture, lots of kitchenware, jewelry, sterling flatware sets, 1 story home with lots of great pieces!…

FINAL 2 DAYS Amazing Hillegass home of musician with high quality guitars, uke's, electrical gear, 2 stories, all quality!

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Friday 06/16 11:00 AM to Saturday 06/17 5:00 PM
Oakland, CA 94618

TEL Rockridge right below College Av: Estate Sale FILLED with quality guitars & ukulele's - SO MANY GREAT MUSICAL ITEMS! Home filled with textiles, rugs,…

TEL estate sale Upper Rockridge PACKED home! 100'S of rare & high quality guitars & uke's, amps, electronics, computers, textiles, rugs, art, ceramics, ethnic, quality furniture, so much more!

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Saturday 06/10 11:00 AM to Monday 06/12 5:00 PM
Oakland, CA 94618

TEL Rockridge right below College Av: Estate Sale FILLED with quality guitars & ukulele's - SO MANY GREAT MUSICAL ITEMS! Home filled with textiles, rugs,…