Thanks for the update Kathy! And thanks for your team's support. You have a very turnkey operation and I would definitely use you guys again!
Montclair Executrix, August 2019
Hi Kathy, WOW!! We appreciate all your effort and the success of the sale. You made parting with these items a pleasant instead of an unpleasant experience. Thank you for… read more
Paul and Christina, Orinda Executors July 2019
Wow! Thank you for your expertise and work for making the sale a success!! Considering the amount in the house, the majority of items were sold. I was surprised to… read more
Executrix, San Pablo Sale April 2019
Again, I thank you and your team so much. You guys took a lot off my families plate and were soooo easy to work with. Very to the point. Extremely… read more
Oakland executrix, October 2018
Thanks, Kathy, for all of your hard work on the sale. You did a great job, considering our lack of big-ticket items. And I appreciate your telling me that many… read more
Rockridge executrix October 2018